Sunday, July 8, 2007

Traveling north... (July 7, 2007)

After a lovely “surprise” send-off from friends on Friday evening, I began my trip on Saturday morning with a little anxiety, but mostly excitement. A couple of my friends picked me up from the hotel with my massive bags and took me to the airport. After checking in and handing over my “over-size” bags, we had a brief stop at the Tim Horton’s in the airport before I went through security. I browsed through a couple of shops and then made a brief call to my parents before boarding my flight. Sometime between getting to security and getting on the plan, I lost one of my shoes that I had stuffed in a side-pocket of my backpack, but that’s not too bad, considering airlines and misplaced some of my more valuable items in the past.

I took a few photos in the air, but there was a lot of cloud-cover for most of the trip north. I arrived in Iqaluit to damp conditions, but it wasn’t really raining, so that was a plus. ;) My manager met me at the airport and helped me cart all of my bags to my apartment and then left me to my own devices for a few hours.

One of the first things I tried to do was make my bed…and it turns out I have a Queen-size bed instead of a Full-size mattress…so I’ll have to pick up at least one new fitted-sheet when I’m at the store later today. Everything else seems to be under control. All of my bags are empty and the place doesn’t look too out of order…except for the desk which is piled high with stuff for now…I’ll sort out where to put that stuff sometime soon.

My manager is going to take me to the store shortly so that I can get groceries and other items (like sheets!), and later we’ll be heading to my supervisor’s home for coffee/dessert. I’ll be able to pick up the bags that I brought up in June at that time.

Fun and exciting times. ;)

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