Sunday, August 5, 2007

Rain, rain, rain, sun, rain, rain, rain

So, we had about two days of pleasant sunshiney weather (I walked around one day with no coat or long-sleeves!)...and now its back to the rainy gloom. Oh well...

Good news for those concerned about the education of future niece has already visited Home Depot..and she's not even a month old yet!!! ;) She'll definitely join the family tradition of DIY.

It's hard to believe that I've been here a month. The bay is open, the bugs are out (well at least when it's not super windy). Artic Cotton and other plants are in bloom. We've got mini ponds forming everywhere with inter-connecting streams from all of the rain. Sitting in the dining room of The Navigator Inn on Friday night, I actually recognized people and three other tables, so I must be getting familiar with my surroundings. :) I also chatted with a few people at NorthMart this afternoon while doing groceries.

Anyway, tomorrow is a holiday, so hopefully I'll be productive by working on my cross-stitch projects! Wish me luck!!

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